You will receive an email once your return has been received and processed at our warehouse.
We encourage all customers to use a trackable delivery service when returning items to our warehouse. This is to facilitate the tracking status of your own returns. Do note that we would not be able to advise on the status of your return, nor be responsible for any delays or loss, if you have chosen a non-trackable mode of return.
We would require 7 days upon receipt of returns before we can issue a store credit for the return to you as we need to check the condition of the item. Do note that we are unable to accept returns if the item is not in the original good condition and packaging.
If you are planning to return an item and require a new item urgently, we would advise you to make a purchase of the new item you want first as the return process may take up to 2 weeks (including delivery and processing time).
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
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